Focus on school, not paying for it.
High School Students
High school students planning to enroll in AFROTC can apply for scholarships. You’re under no obligation by simply applying for an Air Force ROTC scholarship. However, if you are awarded a scholarship, you become obligated when you accept and sign an agreement with the United States Air Force or Space Force.
Current UA Students
For students of The University of Alabama, you may qualify for several generous merit-based and competitive scholarships IN ADDITION to your AFROTC scholarship
Detachment 010 Cadets
Detachment 010 Cadets, you can also be eligible for other scholarship opportunities not available to other UA students. Applicants must attend a school with the Air Force ROTC program and must have completed at least one term as a full-time student.
Enlisted Members
Are you an enlisted member eager to become an officer in the United States Air Force or Space Force? For veterans, service members, dependents and survivors, you may be eligible to many federal and state education benefits
Additional Support
All students and cadets may contact the Student Financial Aid Office for further opportunities to finance your education at The University of Alabama. For more information, visit